Farset has been one of the organisations working on this project for a while and it’s now time to open it up fully to our community – we’re all really looking forward to seeing what emerges from the hack night. The aim of the project is to develop a system to, among other things, capture and analyse user data. The system will be rolled out across many different charities in Belfast and will be the cornerstone of reablement provision in the city for the years to come, so this is a brilliant chance to get involved.

Reablement (a concept arising out of the DHSSPSNI Transforming your Care Strategy*) helps people to get back to normality after illness or an accident, providing support such as ensuring the person has access to transport, or working with them as they relearn skills lost while unwell. The University of Ulster, in association with a group of charities led by Bryson Charitable Group, is developing a system to allow charities to enhance their provision of reablement services in Belfast as well as streamline their record keeping.

Farset Labs is hosting an evening of hacking on Friday 27th September from 1700 until late – food and drinks will be provided. The purpose of the event is to develop ideas for the overall system, with a particular emphasis on how the information will be input and handled. We welcome all abilities – from those who only wish to produce wireframe layouts and flowcharts to those who are capable of coding a working mockup of a portion of the system within the timeframe. Members of the UU team will be on hand, as will several representatives from the charity.

There will be a companion event ONE WEEK EARLIER on Friday 20th September from 1830 to 1900 where we’ll hold a ‘briefing‘ session, taking care of any questions you might have, which should mean that, come the 27th, everyone will be able to get straight into the hackathon. If you can’t make it to the briefing, don’t worry – we’ll make a summary available online.

This is an excellent opportunity to help out the third sector in Belfast and get involved in the cutting edge of community healthcare, so please join in, whether you’re a coder, designer or just generally want to lend a hand!

Preparatory briefing session: Friday 20th September – 1830 to 1900
Hack-evening: Friday 27th September – 1700 to late – refreshments provided

Get free tickets for the hack-evening here: https://reablement-hack-night.eventbrite.co.uk/

* http://www.dhsspsni.gov.uk/tyc.htm